New requirements for the medical certificate for sport

20.11.16 14:45 Comment (s)
medical certificate for the practice of sport

Pursuant to Law No. 2016-41 of 26 January 2016 modernization of our health system and in particular its article 219, a Decree n ° 2016-1157 of August 24, 2016 has just been published in the Official Journal. It introduces new provisions in the Sports Code (article D.231-1-1 et seq.) Concerning the requirements for medical certificates within the framework of the issuance and renewal of sports licenses.

The Decree sets the sports license renewal conditionset list the sports disciplines which present particular constraints for which one specific medical examination is required.

A medical certificate every 3 years for license holders

It thus provides that the presentation of a medical certificate is required when applying for a license as well as when renewing a license every three years.

As of July 1, 2017, athletes will have to complete, within these three years, a health questionnaire, the content of which will be decided by the Minister responsible for sports.

medical examination dispensation for sports practice

The exceptions

For certain disciplines which present particular health risks, the medical certificate will remain annual and the medical examination will be reinforced in consideration of the characteristics of the discipline.

The Decree specifies the sports disciplines presenting "particular constraints"within the meaning of article L.231-2-3 of the Sports Code, and requiring the realization"a specific medical examination". It's about :

"1 ° Sports disciplines that are practiced in a specific environment:

a) Mountaineering;

b) Underwater diving;

c) Caving;

2 ° Sports disciplines, practiced in competition, for which the fight may end, in particular or exclusively when, following a blow struck one of the opponents is in a state rendering him incapable of defending himself and being able to go to unconsciousness;

3 ° Sports disciplines involving the use of firearms or compressed air;

4 ° Sports disciplines, practiced in competition, involving the use of land motor vehicles with the exception of radio-guided model making;

5 ° Sports disciplines involving the use of an aircraft with the exception of aeromodelling;

6 ° Rugby in XV, rugby in XIII and rugby in VII".

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A health questionnaire in the meantime

The Decree introduces, in a new article D.231-1-4.-A of the Sports Code, as of July 1, 2017, a health questionnaire that the athlete must complete between each triennial renewal.

The content of this questionnaire will be specified by order of the Minister responsible for sports.

In the absence of a negative response to each section of the questionnaire, the athlete will be "required to produce a new medical certificate attesting to the absence of contraindication to obtain the renewal of the license".