Blog tagged as Press Release

[Football - Press release] Amateur clubs react to the Order of the Council of State of June 11, 2020 which did not suspend the decision of the FFF Executive Committee of April 16, 2020
[Football - Press release] Amateur clubs react to the Ordinance of the Council of State of June 11, 2020 which did not suspend the decision of the Executive Committee of the French Football Federation (FFF) of April 16, 2020
Appeal against the decision of the Executive Committee of the French Football Federation (FFF) of April 16, 2020
[Press release from Cabinet BERTRAND] Appeal against the decision of the Executive Committee of the French Football Federation (FFF) of April 16, 2020
Leonardo: press release
Press release on behalf of Mr. Leonardo de Araujo to make public the agreement to end the dispute between him and the French Football Federation (following his disciplinary suspension by the FFF, suspension canceled by the Administrative Court of Paris and the Council of State)