Order of 25 November 2021 relating to the recognition of the high level character of sports disciplines

Bertrand Cabinet
13.12.21 14:10 Comment (s)
sports law firm in Paris France

The list of sports disciplines whose high level character is recognized, in order to allow the exercise of their prerogatives until December 31 of the year during which the Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games in Paris 2024 take place, has been published in the OJ of December 12, 2021.

In compliance with Article L. 131-14 of the Code da sport, only one federation approved in each sport discipline can receive, for a fixed period, delegation of the minister in charge of sports to organize the sporting competitions at the end of which the international, national, regional or departmental titles are delivered. 

In addition, the article L. 131-15 of the same Code also provides that the delegated federations: 

3 ° Propose a federal performance plan consisting of a sports excellence program and a high-level access program which include, in particular, measures aimed at promoting the detection, including outside the national territory, of athletes likely to be registered on the lists mentioned in 4 °;

4 ° Propose registration on the list of high-level sportsmen, coaches, referees and judges, on the list of hopeful sportsmen and on the list of sportsmen of national collectives."

To allow delegated federations to exercise the prerogatives entrusted in application of the provisions of Article L. 131-15 of the aforementioned Sports Code, a list of sports disciplines whose high level character is recognized is fixed by decree the Minister Delegate to the Minister of National Education, Youth and Sports, in charge of sports. 

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Bertrand Cabinet