Compulsory arbitration of commercial disputes between football clubs

Baptist HUON
28.04.23 13:01 Comment (s)
sports law firm in Paris France

Le new article 223 of the Administrative Regulations of the LFP imposes that commercial disputes for an amount greater than €50.000 relating to the loans and transfers of players between French professional clubs must be submitted to arbitration by the CNOSF's Chamber of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). This new provision raises a certain number of questions, in particular as regards the notion of arbitration (I), the advisability of recourse to arbitration (II), its scope of application (III), the procedure applicable (IV) and its mandatory nature (V).             

I) What is CAS arbitration?

The notion of arbitration is not new in sport since the vast majority of disputes arising in the international context of sport are resolved through arbitration before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

Arbitration, understood in the legal sense of the term, is a procedure for resolving disputes. It is a private justice by which a dispute is withdrawn from the state jurisdictions of common law to be resolved by arbitrators invested, for the circumstance, with the mission of judging.

Arbitration procedures in France are subject to a certain number of rules defined by the articles 1442 to 1527 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), which distinguish whether the arbitration is domestic or international. The internal or international qualification of an arbitration depends on the nature of the economic transaction at the origin of the dispute (article 1504 CPC). If the arbitration involves the interests of international trade, then it will be qualified as international. On the other hand, the arbitration will be internal when it covers situations which, from an economic point of view, are in no way connected with a foreign country.

CAS arbitration provided for in Article 223 of the LFP's Administrative Rules is internal arbitration within the meaning of the Code of Civil Procedure insofar as the disputes submitted thereto relate to temporary or permanent transfers (loans or transfers) on French territory alone.

Lastly, CAS arbitration is institutional since the CNOSF provides its assistance in providing the parties with a list of arbitrators, rules of procedure (available on the CNOSF website), material organization and services.

Article 223 of the Administrative Regulations of the LFP: 
« Any dispute between professional clubs of a commercial nature resulting from a permanent or temporary transfer agreement and the amount of which exceeds 50 euros excluding tax is settled definitively by the Chamber of Arbitration for Sport set up within the French National Olympic and Sports Committee, according to the conditions set out in its Arbitration Rules.

The admissibility of this contentious appeal is however subject to prior referral to the LFP Legal Commission for an opinion. »
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II) Advantages and disadvantages of CAS arbitration

Due to its eminently private nature, CAS arbitration has advantages and disadvantages different from those of a traditional judicial procedure. 

CAS arbitration is primarily a so-called expert justice because rendered by specialists chosen precisely for their specialty.

CAS arbitration is also confidential. THE'article 20 of its regulations provides that: " [l]he procedure instituted under these Rules is confidential. The parties, the arbitrators and the Chamber of Arbitration for Sport undertake not to disclose to third parties facts or other information relating to the dispute and the procedure. Awards are not published unless the award itself so provides. ».

Furthermore, arbitration is less formal and more flexible than state justice. The arbitral tribunal is indeed exempted from conducting the procedure provided for state courts by the Code of Civil Procedure. IIt is possible, for example, to submit the opposing party's witnesses to cross-examination (cross examination).

CAS arbitration is finally a quick procedure. The CAS rules provide that “ [l]Awards are rendered in a six month period from the date of ratification of the terms of reference by the Arbitral Panel. However, the Panel may, by reasoned decision, decide to extend this period. Under no circumstances may the award be rendered more than twelve months after the signing of the terms of reference».

It is, however, a expensive procedure. Indeed, in addition to the administrative costs, expertise and lawyer's fees traditionally required before the state courts, it is advisable to pay in addition the fees of the arbitrators. Before the CAS, the hourly rate of arbitrators' fees is set at €200 excluding tax (Article 29B). This amount can be reduced or increased depending on the complexity of the case and the importance of the amounts involved.               

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III) Scope of Article 223 of the LFP Regulation

Concerning personal scope of this provision, only transactions concluded between French professional clubs are covered. Consequently, transactions entered into by a French amateur club or by a foreign club are excluded. 

Le material scope of the new article is limited to permanent or temporary transfer agreements for an amount greater than €50 excluding VAT. In common parlance, it is the transfers and loans of players that are targeted. The amount determined by the LFP is relatively low, which means that a large number of agreements will be covered by this new provision.

Furthermore, only disputes of a commercial nature are covered. A priori, this commercial nature covers the application of the contractual clauses relating, in particular, to the payment of the transfer indemnity; any question of another nature (social, penal, etc.) would not be covered by this provision. However, this notion of commercial litigation requires clarification which will probably result from the application of this provision in practice. 

IV) Procedure applicable before the CAS and appeals against awards

Article 223 of the Administrative Rules of the LFP specifies that the admissibility of the appeal before the CAS is subject to the mandatory prior referral for an opinion from the LFP Legal Commission. This opinion does not bind the parties, but is supposed to promote the amicable resolution of the dispute before referral to the arbitration chamber.

If one of the parties does not wish to comply with the opinion given by the LFP's Legal Commission, it can refer to the CAS. This referral is made in accordance with the CAS Rules. These same regulations also specify all the rules applicable to the constitution of the arbitration panel and to the conduct of the arbitration procedure.

In matters of internal arbitration, the arbitration award is not subject to appeal unless the parties wish otherwise (article 1489 of the Code of Civil Procedure). However, the CAS rules provide in article 25, that "[l]a Sentence definitively settles the dispute and cannot be appealed ". Article 223 of the Administrative Regulations of the LFP further provides that disputes will be decided " finally by the CAS.

CAS arbitration awards are, however, subject to appeal in the context of a appeal for annulment before the Paris Court of Appeal, pursuant to thearticle 1494 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The Court will then confine itself to verifying whether the award was rendered in accordance with the provisions applicable to arbitral proceedings, without examining the merits. The decision of the Court of Appeal may then be the subject of an appeal in cassation under the conditions of common law.

V) Arbitration under Article 223: compulsory arbitration

Article 223 of the Administrative Regulations of the LFP finally requires clubs to include in each transfer agreement the following clause: " This agreement is entered into in accordance with the provisions of Title 2 of the Administrative Rules of the LFP, and in particular of its article 223 relating to arbitration. ».

The objective of this mandatory measure is thus to obtain the consent of the parties to the arbitration. Indeed, the very principle of arbitration is based on the consent of the parties involved, which can be given either by way of an arbitration clause, or by means of a compromise. This means that the parties must expressly agree to resort to arbitration to resolve their dispute. Therefore, this mandatory measure aims to ensure that this consent has indeed been given before the arbitration procedure is initiated.

This obligation is reminiscent of the statutes of international sports federations which impose the competence of the CAS for the resolution of their disputes with their members. This arbitration is in practice imposed by the sports institution through its regulations and this is the reason why the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), in its famous Mutu and Pechstein stops, assimilated CAS arbitration to compulsory arbitration and whose procedure must therefore offer the parties the procedural guarantees provided for in Article 6§1 of the  European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
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The Firm regularly assists parties involved in arbitration before the CAS. You have questions, contact us!

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Baptist HUON