Signature of the first collective agreement in professional women's sport

10.03.21 14:56 Comment (s)

Professional women's handball has just signed the first collective agreement in professional women's sport.

What is the purpose of such an agreement?

The development of social rules requires a distribution of roles between the law, general and collective bargaining, carried out by social partners close to the field, leading to collective agreements say of business and to sector specific agreements (having the value of a so-called sectoral collective agreement).

It is in this context that the National collective agreement for sport (CCNS) was negotiated then signed on July 7, 2005 (extended by decree of 21 November 2006) between employers' organizations and advised of the sport branch. It thus regulates the relations between employers and employees of this branch.

It is organized into thirteen chapters, the twelfth of which applies exclusively to professional sport.

The CCNS is then relayed by agreements concluded sport by sport.

In application of the principle of favor (L. 2251-1 of the Labor Code), They so-called specific agreements apply as soon as their provisions are more favorable to employees than the legal provisions in force.

The signing of a collective agreement makes it possible to reach rules that are more accessible and more suited to those to whom they apply.

What is the content of the collective agreement?

This agreement goes adapt labor law to the particularities of professional women's handball. The handball social partners have already communicated indicating that in addition to chapter 12 of the CCNS, this agreement would aim to define the conditions of employment, work, remuneration, and as social guarantees for players and coaches whose profession is handball. Specific rules will, for example, be provided for as regards paid vacationprofessional training or at the pregnancy of the players.

To follow the latest news on this subject, you can consult the Twitter account dedicated to social dialogue in professional women's handball (@DihaneHandball).